Thursday 5 June 2008

CDUL 19 - Belenenses 0

In the hot afternoon of last Sunday, CDUL A and Belenenses met to compete for the semi-final win towards the Taça de Portugal. The forwards of CDUL have been perfect and they have provided very good plays for the backs. The first try began with an enormous pass by Contreras to Villax who ran 70 metres and only stopped in the try area; this try was easily converted by number 10, Bernardo Megre. The second try was due to the tremendous strength of Fred Bensimon, he knocked down number 15 of Belenenses and ran for the try; this try has also been converted by Megre. The third try came from forwards' hard work, especially, Steve. Final result: we scored 19-0. It was a great exhibition of CDUL which increases expectations a lot for the final next Saturday at the Estádio Nacional.
The team was:
1-António Delgado
2-Mário Coutinho
3-Bruno Medeiros
4-Francisco Ferraz
5-Francisco Costa Duarte
6-Sebastião Villax (cap.)
7-Francisco Esteves
8-Manuel Castro Pereira
9-Tomás Appleton
10-Bernardo Megre
11-Manuel Araújo
12-Gonçalo Contreras
13-Frederico Bensimon
14-Sebastião Bravo
15-João Castro
16-Zeca Oliveira Monteiro
17-Diogo Ramos
18-Francisco Oliveira
19-José Maria Reis
20-Nuno Varela
21-Sebastião Sá Nogueira
22-Gustavo Rodrigues

Thursday 15 May 2008

CDUL vs Cascais

Next Sunday, team A will play against Cascais at Estádio Universitário de Lisboa at 12:30 p.m. After the defeat by Agronomia, the chancesof becoming champion are absolutely none. From now on, each game is one more practise to prepare for the Taça de Portugal game. Speaking of the adversary, Cascais is a good team that we can expect anything from.